How to Develop Personal Skills
What are skills? How personal are they? What is it and what not to develop? And how do you do that in a way that suits you? You do not have to anything. …
In our Daily Life, to become a Successful person in all areas of our Life is very very important.
Beyond our Technical & Scientific Skills one should develop a series of Life & Soft Skills to express, experience & enjoy all the Potentials in Life.
What are skills? How personal are they? What is it and what not to develop? And how do you do that in a way that suits you? You do not have to anything. …
"We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist, Using technologies that haven't been invented, In order to solve problems we don't even …
Got leadership skills? Want a job? Companies are looking for leaders to move into executive positions. The June 14, 2010 issue of Newsweek, reports "recruiters …
The number of unemployed people in India is large. So, for one vacancy in a company even 500 people maybe competing. How will recruiters filter one person from …
All of us have 24 hrs in a day. Its all upon us how we manage them wisely. A working professional who does something other than his hard core job has to take …
Working from home can be an exciting experience. In fact, it's one of the fastest growing parts of the economy. In my neighborhood alone, I can stand in front …
In today's new normal, we must adapt if we are to meet the economic and political realities of this decade. global stagnation requires deep and rapid change, …
The subject of nurse retention and turnover came up during a recent conversation I was having with the HR director of a regional hospital system here in …
The increased demand for qualified IT personal and skilled networking technicians has made the workforce diversity more competitive, as computer training is …
Hard or soft skills? How do you go about getting the right skills in the right team? This is a perennial problem for managers and business owners. The solution …
When you are making plans for the future of your career, don't forget soft skills, because if you want to rise to the top of the finance profession, they are …
Leadership deals with the world of emotions and feelings. It is more of an art than a science. Like artists, leaders have the ability to share their vision of …
Soft Skills Trainers! Finally we have made content creation simple for you. We as seasoned trainers know that conducting the training is the easiest and most …
It's always great to see students study hard to get good grades, which in turn will help guarantee a bright future academically and for career. It will enable …
When it comes to business management programs, students are always keen on knowing the future of their choice. Therefore placements play a pivotal role in …
We are in a "credit crunch". Times are hard. It isn't the first time; and it won't be the last. People tighten their belts and do their best to weather the …
Wikipedia defines soft skills like this: Soft skills is a sociological term for a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), which refers to the cluster …
Current education employ-ability gap in India is very challenging. Every individual is busy adding more and more qualifications in their resume. They just want …
Labour Shortage - Immigrants to the Rescue! We've all heard it before, "baby boomers" are leaving a lot of empty shoes to fill as they retire. There simply are …
Yes, it is true; I am a fan, a believer, a devotee of the soft skills. If it were up to me, we would update school curriculums to include the art of speaking, …
In many positions and occupations, job performance is soft skill dependent. Companies use assessment tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the …
A meritorious candidate with excellent academic records is believed to perform well in any job irrespective of the challenges. This is just a myth as employers …
IT (Information Technology) Professionals have found the need to develop soft skills - more than ever before! If you thought technical skills will only get you …
Personal traits go a long way in determining the success rate for an individual in a fast paced and thoroughly competitive corporate environment. The only way …
There are 350,000 opinions (books) on "leadership" on Amazon. Corporate America can't seem to draw a consensus on what leadership is so it's really no big …