Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills
Do you know the difference between hard skills and soft skills on your resume? Well you better get acquainted real quick because it can be the difference …
Understanding Ourselves Totally is the Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Help, Self-Growth or Self-Improvement. Here you can find relevant articles related to Human Life Themes enabling all of us to activate our Inner Potentials & opening new Pathways for Total Success in Life
Do you know the difference between hard skills and soft skills on your resume? Well you better get acquainted real quick because it can be the difference …
Soft skills are interpersonal qualities and abilities that everyone possesses. These skills define a person's ability to successfully interact with those …
Communication skills and social behavior with other people, these days are really important to live in society with peace and harmony. These skills are not …
We spend endless hours and days at work, doing our jobs and seeking to build careers. As part of this process, we also come into contact with a lot of …
The dynamics of a workplace environment can be interesting, flexible and sometimes confusing. Many books have been written on this very topic, with …
Be at home, in school, or at work, safety is always the main priority of any individual. In most companies, assuring the safety and health concerns of the …
Do you wake up with a sore back every day? Do you have unexplained cramps in your dominant arm? Most of us develop aches and pains over the years, with no …
Workplace safety matters to everyone. Workplace accidents, as well as being very traumatic for their victims, cost companies thousands of dollars in lost …
Workplace stress can be caused due to many factors, such as unjustifiable workload, long working hours, friction with colleagues or disagreements with senior …
In order to promote safety awareness at the workplace it is essential to have basic safety equipment available at key locations around the premises. By …
Good workplace security is of the utmost importance. Without it, your premises, equipment and employees are put at risk. However, it is something that many …
When it comes to workplace injuries, there are numerous methods some unimaginable on how you received them and resulted into a horrible accident leaving you …
There are many you have met with an accident while they were on work. The only step taken at that time was that the co workers took the person to the hospital …
Employers are advised to practice workplace safety training for their employees to ensure that their personal safety is guaranteed at all times. This helps …
Workplace wellness is becoming increasingly difficult for us all to achieve. Many of us bring home the aches and pains of our workday. It seems hard to believe …
It can sometimes be difficult to judge whether you've got a problem with harassment in the workplace, or if you just don't get on with a colleague. While we …
While researching workplace bullies it made me think back to a job, I had years ago, for which I had a manager that I considered to be more of a "thug" than a …
Understanding how to conduct a workplace investigation is essential to dealing with cases of bullying, harassment or discrimination within the office. …
In the United Kingdom, it is required by law that a first aid box is available in the workplace, no matter the nature of work done at the business premise. In …
Workplace safety is important to everyone. Not just to employees, but also to employers. A workplace disaster can ruin a company's financial future and a …
Most workplaces such as shops or offices won't come into contact with any hazardous chemicals or gases and so workers do not have to wear protective clothing …
Strong leadership in the workplace often means helping your employees create a vision for themselves, which in turn will increase cooperation and teamwork. …
To achieve a healthy and productive workplace there needs to be some kind of order to them. Employees should not feel that they are being intimidated by …
A corporation that does not value the security of their workers will almost certainly become having troubles along with occupational incidents, poorer function …
Accidents happen around all the time and we usually see people injuring themselves when working. The importance of workplace safety is now a big issue for many …