Surprising Health Benefits of Tai Chi
It was in the 16th century that the sport named Tai-Chi was developed. It is a sport activity that has a combination of movements of body, meditation as well …
It was in the 16th century that the sport named Tai-Chi was developed. It is a sport activity that has a combination of movements of body, meditation as well …
Bike exercise is a really effective one if you want to lose your weight in a healthy manner. With cycling, you will be able to burn your calories, get an …
People these days are always busy in their work and their day to day activities. Only a small number tries to take care of their body and its fitness. …
Saturated fat can be called as non-essential fat. Our body can synthesize it. Saturated fat can be found in animal products like egg and meat. It can also be …
Gaining a healthy weight will actually help you to be in shape. But this will always need a healthy lifestyle. People who have heavy weight issues should …
You can risk your health in a really dangerous manner if you eat food that contains saturated fat. Sources of fat, especially saturated fat can be found in …
Improving the quality of your life is possible when you choose to include certain exercises in your daily routine. Running is one such exercise that has a …
Playing golf is not everyone’s cup of cake. Golf is a very expensive sport, and a very elite sport. The reason why the sport is considered elite is because …
A healthy lifestyle is something that everyone needs to follow, for making your body fit and healthy. A good lifestyle can also help your brain to be more …
While thinking of the name of a popular sport after football, we always think of basketball. Two teams play in basketball. Each player will be aiming to put …
Sauna bath is becoming popular in the world where people are slowly realizing the importance of good health in life. It is practiced by the majority of the …
Job is a factor that always affects your health. Usually people have tough time all through the work hours, and this makes them hate their job a lot. Many are …
Even though all of us are aware of the fact that junk food is not healthy at all, we tend to eat them when we feel hungry or bored. Eating junk food does not …
Tchoukball is an indoor sports game which is conducted on a 40 x 20 meter rectangular field. Like football and basketball, it has two teams. Each team has 9 …
Finding an effective diet method is something that most people are in search of. For this purpose, many have tried weight loss supplements and are into …
Interval training has recently become a very popular method of exercise that is being practiced by a lot of people. As Interval training is known by the name …
Life is stressful today due to many reasons. Whatever they are, most of them cannot be avoided. We cannot avoid work pressure. We cannot avoid traffic. We …
Stress is natural and it is unavoidable, but if you are exposed to it for a longer duration, it can cause you a great deal of suffering and many a times a …
The reasons for early age mortality these days are mainly being physically inactive and being obese. So as to become healthy, one needs to take exercises on a …
Everybody is aware of the word steroid. But most people do not know the dangers behind consuming steroids. Steroids or corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory …
Fighting a drug addiction isn’t easy. It’s a destructive force that, if left unchecked, can destroy your entire life. Getting help is important, but it’s …
TO ME LIFE MEANS … Life is a journey from birth to death. Its a deep ocean, as we go deeper it deepens more and more. It has several ups and downs. It goes …
It is a clear fact that each and every body is affected by the various effects of Stress & Strain due to many reasons. At one end, we will try to avoid the …
Self Improvement or Self Growth is the most important thing in our life. Our every act and thinking is to achieve the goal in life. Knowingly or unknowingly we …
Let us have an interesting question in our life! Have a look at our life retrospectively! Did you ever think about what you thought and said? Do we think about …