Why We Feel Helpless?
Helplessness is the feeling that someone experiences when he or she finds themselves unable to change something that is upsetting them. Circumstances …
Helplessness is the feeling that someone experiences when he or she finds themselves unable to change something that is upsetting them. Circumstances …
Life is full of situations that may make people feel gloomy. It is a feeling of profound sadness that simply feels normal to you. However, it can be one of …
Depression is sadly one of the most common mental disorders. Feeling down from time to time is natural and a part of our emotional being. However, when …
The act of inflicting emotional or physical pain on others for personal enjoyment is known as sadism. As unreal as it sounds for any human to possess this dark …
Despite all the ways we have to connect with friends, family and acquaintances, there are a lot of times when we feel lonely. It is an emotion that is …
Everyone is engrossed in their professions and career these days. In the modern era, there is a race among everyone to be more successful than the other. This …
It can be really hard to overcome emotional and psychological pain. There might be instances in our lives which badly scar our mind and soul. We go through …
Friends are among the most important parts of our lives. From childhood to adulthood, friends fill a void that no other relation can. They are a source of …
Children are a blessing. The joy they can bring to a family has no bounds. They fill our hearts with happiness. But it is not easy to raise a child. This can …
A thing of beauty is a joy forever. This is a very well-known saying by renowned poet John Keats. And it holds true as well. Everyone appreciates beauty. A …
In a relationship, sex holds its importance. Having regular sex with your partner strengthens the emotional bond and helps both of you to connect. It also …
Everywhere there are warnings cautioning people how cigarette smoking can be injurious to their health and how it affects their respiratory system. Most of the …
Everything that we do is driven by the sheer motive of avoiding pain and gaining pleasure. Alcohol is an addictive substance and it has kick to it. It causes …
We are taught the importance of sharing and compassion since we are little children. The values of mutual love, care and selflessness imbibed in us so that we …
Financial stability is important for everyone. We need to ensure that our future is secure and we will have a financially safe life ahead of us. But sometimes, …
Embarrassment and shame are some things that are experienced by all of us at different points of time in our lives. Several things can happen in our day to day …
Today’s life has become very hectic. Almost everyone has ten to twelve hours of work. Everyone is in a struggle for success. People want a good job, a …
Honesty and sincerity are one of the most important values that one must have in order to build a strong relationship. Love is undoubtedly very important for a …
Relationships are a crucial part of our life. At the end of the day, we turn to the one we love for comfort. But sometimes, there might be some problems which …
There are a number of reasons which can cause problems in one’s relationship or marriage. One might feel that there is a lack of understanding. There can be …
Adultery is described as consensual sexual acts between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. Such acts of infidelity are always controversial, …
The world around us is changing in all respects. The way people feel, behave and respond to the things that surround them has never been stable or fixed. But …
Agitation is usually associated with aggravation, annoyance and restlessness. It is normal to feel agitated from time to time given a hectic work schedule or …
Boredom is a widespread term. However, is it generally perceived as an unpleasant emotional state. The individual feels an invasive lack of interest and there …
Indifference is also known as apathy where one does not care about or take any action on anything happening around them. Everybody experiences this from time …