We have learned how to create long term and short term goals, create plans of actions and “To Do” lists from articles Goal Personal Planning Setting Success. Step 1 and Goal Personal Planning Setting Success. Step 2.
There are a couple of biggest reasons why people fail in the goal personal planning and setting success process: they do not focus on goals and they do not stay motivated.
Goal Personal Planning Setting Success – Focus.
Focusing on your goals is very important component of a goal personal planning and setting success process.
Sometimes we spend too much time focusing on things that did not work out, on failures and mistakes instead of learning from them and focusing on our goals and on the things that did work out.
Train yourself to concentrate on what you are doing. Focus your mind on positive things. Focus on things you can control and do not focus on what you cannot control.
You have a better chance of achieving your goals if you focus on them one at a time. If you focus on too many goals at the same time, you will lose focus.
Remember, you will get what you focus on.
Goal Personal Planning Setting Success – Stay Motivated.
Sometimes we face the ups and downs of life; we get discouraged and give up. How to keep yourself motivated as you work towards achieving your goals?
Here are some tips to get motivated in the process of goal personal planning and setting success.
• Remind yourself of the benefits and outcomes of reaching your goal. Go back to your goal sheets and re-read your answers you wrote across each goal to the following questions: Why do I need this? Why do I want this?
• Do you reward yourself for the things you did well? Notice every success, even small one and reward yourself.
• Focus on the positive achievements. Any failure can be turned into success. With every failure we gain an experience and new information which we can use to reevaluate our goals and adjust our plans.
• Stay away from negative people or from those who have different definition for success. Find like minded and supportive people.
Goal Personal Planning Setting Success – Visualization.
Visualization is a powerful tool in a goal personal planning and setting success process. This is a process of creating detailed mental images of what you want to achieve. Visualization is really quite simple and fun.
Imagine that you have already achieved your goal. What will you see, hear, feel, and smell once you have achieved your outcome? If you want a new house, imagine yourself living there. What are the size, style and color of your house? Visualize the furniture you will have, the color of walls. How does it feel to have this house? Make the visualization fun and pleasant.
Dream board, dream book or dream folder can help you with the visualization in a goal personal planning and setting success process.
If you want a new house, you can find a picture of your dream house, cut it and put on the board or keep it in your special dream folder.
If your goal is to take a trip to an exotic island, find a picture of the island and put it on your dream board. Begin collecting pictures for your goals. You might find them in magazines and newspapers.
Visual reminders can help you remember and focus on your goals.
Visualization is a fun and effective activity in a goal personal planning and setting success process.
If you haven’t yet read “Goal Personal Planning Setting Success. Step 1” and “Goal Personal Planning Setting Success. Step 2” articles, please go to our website.
Achieve your goals and improve your life. Goal Personal Planning and Setting for Success is an important component of success and a powerful process that gives us a clear target to work towards.