A Healthy Diet May Change Your Life

Dr. Purushothaman
January 9, 2014


A healthy diet can may your life. Don't ignore this. Make a change.
It's never too late to start a life based on a healthy diet, to change your bad habits and improve your quality of life.
A recipe for a healthy life should include a diet based on fruits, grains, vegetables and protein, preferably of vegetable origin. A simple diet is not enough. It should be completed with 30 minutes to an hour of exercise a day and at least two liters of liquid. Also family support, friends and understanding of what makes us sick and what not are very important.
Short-term benefits of a healthy diet are to increase energy, intellectual capacity and confidence in yourself. In the long term it reduces the risk of serious diseases, health and quality of life improve, and even growth of natural performances and you will be able to spend less on food. A healthy diet implies a change of lifestyle as well. Leave those long hours in front of the TV eating chips behind, forget about fast-food goodies, leave aside those brownies and focus on more natural unprocessed foods. A healthy diet contains carbohydrates and calories, depending on age, gender and intensity of daily activities, and a considerable quantity of vegetables and fruits.
Some diets are not designed to deprive the body of carbohydrates, while others completely eliminate this category. Salt is an ingredient that increases the risk of coronary heart disease and is beneficial for health? Alcohol increases breast cancer risk, but instead a glass of wine a day can do wonders for your arteries and heart?
Contradictions between nutritionists advice and the latest trendy diets are numerous enough that they no longer know what to believe.
The truth is, however, that the results of studies on nutrition, diet or weight loss, sometimes confirms what scientists already know, sometimes surprising twist old nutritional habits.
Not to give up half way, it is preferable not to follow a very strict regime which could lead to muscle loss and dehydration. Schemes are preferred to help moderate and steady weight loss. } take into account the fact that drastic changes are more difficult to bear than the minor. Instead of completely changing your diet, try at first just to reduce portion size and not to include juice in your diet (one week), reduce the dishes of a meal (for example, give the starters) or serves up only once in the set. If you manage to keep it for a few weeks, it's easy to switch to a healthier lifestyle.
Remember that a pound of fat is 8,000 calories! It takes time to remove them. Always adhere to the maintenance phase at the end of the regime and not interrupting him brutally.
Some tips you can follow with ease:
- Bring to your school or office light and healthy food: carrots, salads, fresh or dried fruit, whole grains and protein bars.
- Reduce your portions of food while cooking healthy (foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrate, protein and fat free). Cook once and eat 2 times. Cooked food on the run is generally poor for the body. Avoid sandwiches, hamburgers, french fries or food from fast food.
- Avoid using oil based on oil or other fat in cooking BE (lard, margarine, cream, etc.). Use in place of cold-pressed olive oil, spices and soy sauce.
- If, however,it is absolutely necessary, avoid saturated fats at all costs.
- Reduce the amount of salt in food (not eliminated completely, however), especially if you have problems with blood pressure. Replace salt with spices on taste, garlic, onion and basil.
And the most important thing: The best day to start a healthy diet is today.

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