When you are being devoted to something means that you are being focused. You work hard to achieve your goals. It is an all-consuming emotion and can be as negative as it is positive as well.
The problem arises when you are devoted to something different, such as stress, anxiety, disloyalty in relationships, drugs and alcohol, self-flagellation, greed and need to be on top and so on. All you need to see is where your devotion lies. And make sure whatever you are devoted to, you have chosen it consciously.
What are the advantages of being positively devoted?
- Commitment leads to success: People who are devoted are not half-hearted. They give it their all and receive the benefit of being all in. A devoted person is motivated by the results and strives harder to achieve more.
- Good self-concept and strong self-esteem: For someone who is devoted, he has a great balance between what they wish for and what they are capable of. They tend to have creativity, excitement and ownership buzzing around them.
- People who are devoted tend to persevere: That happens because they believe in what they are devoted to. It basically becomes a recipe for flourishing.
How about you? Have you experienced such outstanding results of being devoted to something?
Being devoted gives direction to energy. When you dedicate yourself towards one goal, you eliminate everything else and solely focus on the goal. Staying committed is one of the most fundamental principles of life and if you are having trouble achieving that, you must talk to a close friend or family or may even seek professional help.
One type or another of therapy are good for all of us. And why not explore that especially when it’s with a specialist in the field. Living in Wellbeing is a platform known for motivating people using cognitive behavioural therapy, prayer, meditation, music or just plain talking. You can divulge your personal thoughts in full confidence knowing every session whether online or in-person are kept discrete. So, get in touch with them over a call or email today and give your life another great start!
Article Source: https://www.quora.com/Why-are-we-devoted/answer/Purushothaman-Kollam-1