The global pandemic has restricted us in many ways. We are all trying to retreat from our normal rush of life and confining ourselves to our homes, to get rid of the COVID attack. This is a kind of retreat and isolation that some are not able to take in the right sense.
It does make us think negatively, as we all are lonely and all of a sudden pulled out from our day to day routine. This can be seen as a time to be reflected upon, a time to think about ourselves, go deep inside us and pamper ourselves, which has been deprived of care and attention. By doing so, we feel like we are in a monastery now, trying to deeply understand ourselves and the universe a little more closely.
To restrain ourselves and to think deeply is not as easy as it is being said. The choice we take does have a lot of effect on us and even in society. But we need to make this choice for the better.
While staying at home, we do find a lot of distractions around us like the internet and even television. Try not to go deeply into these distractions, and engage yourself to meditate, writing, reading, learning new things in life, and polishing skills which have been neglected due to the busy schedules. Practice what you were amateur at, and come out like a pro.
Anxiety is the next thing that we face during this time. It can be frustrating and can even bring out breakdowns. This has to be controlled by taking things in a peaceful manner and understanding reality with open-mindedness.
Frustrations can be overcome by taking some help from the digital world of course, though not too much of it. Indulge yourself in perfecting skills that you always wanted to, or try to learn new things and skills. Read more, this helps a lot. Most important of all is to stay positive and to stay safe.
Understand the fact that what we sacrifice today can bring a lot of positive things in life later on. Talk to your dear ones through telephones, and if possible use video calls to revitalize your bond with them. This too shall pass. All you need to do is to stay calm as if you were in a monastery and be positive all the time. The negative experiences and miseries really awaken our consciousness and will generate a new thinking pattern. We can understand the unreality of temper life. We can also understand that we are living in a virtual world where nothing is permanent. These experiences also lead us to think about what, why, and how of our life. We will also think about the values and virtues of life. Really all these experiences are for a new change and thinking in our life
Frustration and tensions may arise in our minds. But this is the time to stay calm as staying calm indoors can help us to be safe and also help our community to a very large extent. Certain things in life have to be dealt with a calm mind to come out of the situation in a much more positive way. Throw out frustrations and unnecessary tensions and stay happy inside your home to be an example to the society that we live in. be a more responsible citizen of the world. Stay calm and positive. Actually, we have started exploring ourselves and new insights and new vision will come to our mind. This will lead everybody to express, experience and enjoy life in self-knowledge, harmony, happiness, peace and love.