Finding Your Happiness Today


Dr. Purushothaman
January 18, 2014


The secret to happiness lies beneath the foundations of our mind...
Creep down that winding stair of your mind and you will find what is nudging you forward.
Through the mist you'll be find happiness.
It might be a dusty tennis racket, and old car part, a torn piece of a manuscript that once gave you inspiration.
What you bring up that winding stairway from your mind will excite you.
This moment that you give time to yourself is timeless and trickles your dreams to come.
You are begging yourself in finding your happiness, but it is with this happiness that you find love...
Those old running shoes, the broken piano, the half built project.
Bring them back to NOW and feel like you felt when you did activities with them.
Don't let life's distraction suck you away from you life dreams...
Play a little and let your life grow on a path with rhythm and soul.
When it feels like there is screaming and it's tough to concentrate, don't let the screaming in your mind distract or it will suck you away from what you love.
Let it be and move over toward the quietness of your mind and growing your life dreams.

Grow and live and life's heavy burdens will wisp silently away while you are enjoying your dreams.

Your life...

Going in the right direction and being aware of the signs that you are going in the right direction is what I'm going to show you how to do!
How we live life...Missing the right train or the right path to where we want to go towards happiness… Some people call it our life's purpose.
You don't want to waste anymore time, because it is about time you got back on the right track and got out of the haze and blur of life.
I really hope you did your homework, because it is really worth it! I know it takes discipline; I know it takes patience! There is a part inside everyone that just doesn't want to take the time to going through the steps towards happiness. The part inside everyone has very little belief that life can get better, that part thinks we are suppose to go through unhappiness!
Ask yourself this, "Is that part of me that lives the unconscious life any fun?" You live life struggling trying to figure out why? You live your angers, your sadness, your depressions, nothing seems to be working out for you. Although you may have a great job, a wonderful family, a super spouse that does everything that you ever wanted.


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