How to Nurture Creativity in Children?

Dr. Purushothaman
November 25, 2013


The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you will discover will be wonderful. What you will discover is yourself.

Creativity may be defined as the process of creating original ideas and using abstract thinking to find solutions to problems. In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives. Tests of creativity measure not only the number of alternatives that people can generate but the uniqueness of those alternatives. The ability to generate alternatives or to see things uniquely does not occur by chance; it is linked to other, more fundamental qualities of thinking, such as flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity or unpredictability, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown.

Creativity is an aspect everyone likes to have. Certain people become highly creative and imaginative compared to others around them. People often wonder if creativity can be achieved or learnt through practice or certain exercises. But the fact is that creative thought is the result of the mindset acquired at the very childhood. If parents could nurture creativity in children, then they become imaginative and creative when they grow up.

Every human being is born with certain levels of creative talents, often acquired genetically. But only when nurtured by parents kids express them, else they remain hidden in them. Creativity helps fulfilling the tasks of day-today life in the most unstressed way. High level of creativity can make kids becoming scientists, artists, inventors etc. It is the parents who are to discover the elements of creativity in kids and nurture them in the right way.

Creativity in children can be measured by ideational fluency - the number and variety of solutions envisioned in response to a singular prompt. For example, children who are asked to brainstorm as many ways as possible to fill a glass of water are participating in an exercise in ideational fluency. Ideational fluency is the basis for creative problem solving - a skill that is necessary for the educational success of school-aged children - and studies show that preschoolers are especially receptive to creative development. Therefore, it is a good idea to expose preschool aged children to creative opportunity.

When nurturing the creativity in children, the process is important not the product. They may not be able to give the finest outcomes at first. Even though the results are bad, make them do something new every day. Let them explore different objects, let them listen variety of music and let them see different places; all these will ignite the flames of creativity in kids.

Stress kills creativity. It is advisable not to support excessive scheduling or homework  both create stress and mental exhaustion. For kids to be creative, we must give their brains relaxed time, time to nap, read, take a walk - and so on.

Research shows that when we fail, we learn more than when we succeed. When our kids fail, we can use that experience to help them learn from it. Pretend play is one of the most beneficial ways a parent can foster creativity. Give your child time, props, and ideas for pretending. Research shows that preschoolers who spend more time role-playing have high measures of creativity.Socratic or open-ended questions are a great way to get children creative juices flowing. These questions help a child distance himself from the here and now. Choices, comparisons, entertaining new ideas, and formulating personal responses to these questions are all-important ingredients in creative thinking. Easel and finger painting while listening to classical music; drawing; clay work; making prints; slithering cornstarch goop between fingers-these are just a few of the art activities that promote creativity.Imagine this games permit children to take off on flights of fancy that require them to retrieve information from memory, compare and contrast ideas, and make connections between disparate bits of information. Brain researchers emphasize how important it is to wire in neural pathways with variety and richness of language interactions. Use it or lose it seems to be the rallying cry for brain development during the first years of life and cells that fire together wire together.You can use poetry to encourage children to problem solve and to ask what is coming next.

Hence creativity is more skill than inborn talent, and it is a skill parents can help their kids develop. Because it is a key to success in nearly everything we do, creativity is a key component of health and happiness and a core skill to practice with kids. Creativity is not limited to artistic and musical expression it is also essential for science, math, and even social and emotional intelligence. Creative people are more flexible and better problem solvers, which makes them more able to adapt to technological advances and deal with change as well as take advantage of new opportunities.

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