Many people realize that they have these symptoms but do not know that that are from an disorder.
great anxiety in social situations Avoiding of social situations Physical symptoms of anxiety including: confusion, pounding heart, sweating, shaking, blushing, muscle tension, upset stomach, and diarrhea
Social anxiety disorder is the most common anxiety problem and the third most common mental disorder in the United States. A person with social anxiety has an unreasonable anxiety of social situations, often feeling self-conscious of being closely watched, judged, and criticized by others. They are often fearful that he or she will make mistakes and be embarrassed in front of other individuals. If left uncared for, social anxiety disorder can lead to terrible panic attacks which often makes a person completely avoid typical situation. When this happens, it could disrupt their work, school, personal relationships and other day-to-day activities. As with most anxiety disorders, the person usually know that their fear is excessive but they can't rise above it themselves.
Every person is different, including how they are affected with this disorder. A person with social anxiety disorder is not necessarily going to be scared of every social situation. In many occasions, people are mostly afraid of a few specific situation, like speaking in public or being in large crowds. Some of the most common things that cause anxiety include:
Eating in front of others Writing in front of others Being the center of attention Dating, or going to parties Asking questions around others Talking on the phone around people
The exact cause of social anxiety disorder is unknown, but research suggests that biological, psychological, and environmental factors are the leading causes.
Biological. Social anxiety disorder may be related to an imbalance of a neurotransmitter called serotonin. If you aren't already informed, neurotransmitters are basically little messengers that carry information from one brain cell to the other. If the neurotransmitters get out of balance certain messages may not be delivered properly. This affects how the brain replies to stress often cause much more anxiety than needed. Also, social anxiety disorder seems to run in families. Meaning, social anxiety disorder could be inherited from parents. Psychological. Everyone has embarrassing moments, but sometimes an embarrassing moment could degrade a person so badly that they start to create an anxiety disorder. This especially happens in public or very social places. Environmental. Last but not least, a person can acquire a social disorder by simply seeing someone else go through humiliating situations. This could be another person being made fun of, or someone failing publicly and taking it terribly. Environment is especially important in children while they are still developing. Children who are sheltered or overprotected by their parents may not acquire good social skills as part of their normal development.
To learn more about social anxiety disorder and other anxiety remedies visit:
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