6 Simple Steps to Creative Thinking
How many times have you felt that a particular problem you may have just cannot be solved? How many times have you caught yourself saying that you just don't know how to find the answer?
I know how you feel, for many years I found problem solving almost impossible, and at times completely overwhelming. Despite examining all possible options I still found myself, frustrated, tired and absolutely out of fresh ideas. Until, that is, I discovered these simple but little known problem solving techniques that the world's most successful people have been using for thousands of years to help them with their creative thinking.
The success I have achieved using these techniques has been nothing short of miraculous, as I have gone from a problem solving rookie to a business powerhouse with problem after problem melting away like ice in the springtime.
So read on my friends as I reveal my 6 simple steps to creative thinking that if you follow, will propel your life into the stratosphere! (You WILL be surprised how simple these are).
Step Number One.
Understand the problem. No! REALLY understand the problem. Get right down and dirty with your problem, get right to the bottom, take a real hard look at what the problem is. Brainstorm with your peers or colleagues. Once you know how it works, EXACTLY what the problem is, then you have a MUCH better foundation towards solving IT.
Try to identify the different entities within your particular problem and what their relationships with one another are. Write down ALL of the things you stand to gain and those with which you will lose. Once you have done this you will have made a simple statement of EXACTLY what the problem is.
6 Simple Steps to Creative Thinking:
Step Number Two.
Solve the problem in parts, from the top down, that is take a general view across the whole of the problem, then down through the more detailed parts. So, write down the question, and then try to come up with a one-sentence solution from there. Your answer should be only a general statement of the solution, then from here you develop it further, and if necessary increase the complexity a little piece at a time.
Step Number Three.
When trying to solve a problem using creative thinking, it helps if you also keep a fairly critical mentality throughout the process. So whilst thinking up the solution, and arriving at a possible answer, you must continue to analyse further by constantly looking for any weaknesses.
But it is worth remembering at this point that we are trying to be creative with our thinking here and although it helps to have a certain amount of critical thinking onboard as you attempt to solve your problem, you simply MUST keep your creative juices flowing by searching through your answers (whatever they may be), with a fine tooth comb. If you constantly try to be creative, guess what? you eventually WILL BE!
6 Simple Steps to Creative Thinking:
Step Number Four.
I am sure you remember that old adage," two heads are better than one." Well, it's true, especially when you are problem solving. I have already alluded to the brainstorming of a solution in step number one, and this is a way for you to always remain open to new ideas and solutions.
So discuss other ideas, it can ONLY benefit the creative thinking process you are involved in. You are not on your own here, DO NOT be gung-ho, organising collective thought is a MUCH better and simpler less stressful way of doing things.
Step Number Five.
It is very important to know that there is probably more than just one answer or solution being developed at any one time. So you must develop a system that keeps track of all the solutions and their progress. Remember, it is EXTREMELY rare for there to be ONLY one answer or solution to any particular problem. (unless, of course you are a mathematician)
6 Simple Steps to Creative Thinking:
Step Number Six;
You must be patient. As long as you persevere, and keep thinking, there is always a solution WILL present itself. Remember that no one was able to create an invention at the very first time of trying.
So that's it, my simple 6 step process to creative thinking in relation to problem solving. By following these creative thinking exercises YOU can easily become a champion problem solver.
Finally, I would like to leave you with a simple mental exercise which you can use as an aid to strengthening your creative thinking muscles:
Take a piece of paper and write any word that comes to mind in the centre. Now concentrate and focus on that word, and then write the first two words that immediately spring to mind. Then do the same again with these 2 words. Keep doing this until you have built a whole tree of related words. This will help with your analogical skills, and also helps to strengthen the creative processes.
So, the very next time you see a problem you think cannot be solved, then think again, because the answer may well be staring you right in the face, and all it takes is a little bit of creative thinking.
I hope this helps you.