We all have many beliefs both conscious and subconscious. These beliefs may or may not be valid for us at this moment in time, after all a belief is simply holding a premise to be true. This truth may have come about from a logical sequence of events, for example: if I bump the table the milk glass spills, or by drawing a conclusion from perceived results or repetitive thought patterns, for example: being told as a child money doesn't grow on trees may give you the belief that money is very hard to come by. The repetition of the pattern turns an occurrence or thought into a belief.
Very often as we grow and expand we acquire new beliefs but our old belief systems may still be in place. These old beliefs can hold us back without our even knowing it. It becomes a push-pull situation. Let's say you want to earn money doing something you love, yet the old belief that money is hard to come by is in conflict with that causing you to take one step forward and two steps back. Subconsciously you are trying to stay in integrity and consciously you are trying to expand and grow.
In order to change a belief or the mental acceptance and conviction in the validity of something there needs to be supporting evidence. The evidence you need can be obtained either by experiencing the new truth or witnessing someone who has experienced the results of the new truth. A prime example of this is a miracle, most people have not experienced a miracle firsthand but they do know someone or of someone who has experienced a miracle, so they believe miracles are possible.
The first step to changing a belief is to be aware of it. Follow the following tips to uncover hidden beliefs that are holding you back.
• Look at an area of disharmony or resistance in your life.
• Choose an area to examine
• List all of the things you know to be true about this area
• Now look at each truth and challenge it. Ask these 3 questions “Is this really true?†“How is this serving me?†and “How can I upgrade this belief to better serve me?â€
• Choose one or two beliefs and gather evidence either firsthand or by association, to upgrade to a more empowering belief.
This process can be quick but often times it takes repetition to really let the new belief take hold, so keep at it the benefits are worth it.