The real problem we face in our life is how to change our habits? As you all know, majority of our habits and behaviors are developed from our childhood and we also occur many habits when we are growing. Really, we measure a person by the habit and behavior, the way he talks, the way he approaches and so on and so for. Really, we occur many habits unknowingly. Habit formation is really a program of the mind. Once a habit is implanted in our minds it becomes very difficult to get rid of it. If we look into this matter, we will be worried how much we are affected and troubled by many habits. If we compare the list of good and bad habits, we can know that bad habits supersede our good habits. In everyday life we can note that even if we are a good person, if for some reason or pitfall, a bad habit for a bad behavior comes from our part we will be labelled a bad person. People will not appreciate the good things we have done earlier.
So, it is high time we should evaluate our habits and make a sincere effort to change our habits, so that we will become a better person in our life. Here we are tried to provide a bird’s eye view of some of the tips and tools and simple strategies to change our habits in the most simple and easiest. Even though we had given a long list you can pick up and practise the items according your personal choice.
Make it a point to talk to one Positive Person.
Note down 5 Good Things that happened in your Life Yesterday.
When you are alone, laugh in front of a mirror for 5 minutes.
Start walking for 30 minutes in the morning or in the evening in a garden.
Carry your Pet Animal along with you when you are walking.
Give a hug to one of your Intimate Person every day.
Every day make a Telephone Call to your Friend or Relative.
Make it a point to do what you like at least for 20 minutes.
Whether small or big buy something new for your Family every day.
Practise deep breathing for 5 minutes twice a day.
Do some Stretching Exercises when you are stressed out.
Make it a point to listen to relaxing Alpha melodies.
Give 5 minute break in between your Work.
In your free time do some Writing or Drawing.
Discuss your Projects and Programs with a close Friend for 10 minutes daily.
Take a short nap after your Lunch.
Make a list of 5 things that you’re genuinely like.
Make it a point to dress moderately and presentably before going to work.
Before starting a discussion think about the Important Points.
Always Chat a 'Positive Life Mantra' you have learned.
Daily appreciate a friend or relative for their achievements.
Make it a point to read one chapter from a Spiritual Book. Eg: Bible, Geetha, Quran, etc.
Show some kindness to an unknown or Stranger.
Donate something for some useful Charity.
Joint some Mind Programming and Self Development Programs.
Write something about a Person who really motivated you.
Make a list of Best Motivational Books you have read and publish it in your Facebook page.
Look at the Moon for 5 minutes in the Night.
Spend 10 minutes daily for mindful Meditation.
Look at the surroundings very attentively.
Give up the thought of Worry and Regrets.
Give attention to any Physical Pain or Sensation you feel.
Make it a point to Smile yourself and at others.
Always keep eye contact when you meet another person.
Be Happy to Self Introduce yourself in a gathering.
Be open minded in asking any question.
Make discussions in groups on General Problems.
Start a Party by making some Jokes and Laughing.
Don't forget for Personal Hygiene.
Take Healthy and Small Quantity Meals at frequent intervals.
Make it a habit to drink a glass of plain water when you wake up in the morning.
Before a Meal keep silent for one minute and Pray to the Almighty for providing you this meal.
Make it a point to eat more fresh Vegetables and Fruits.
As far as possible, avoid Non-Veg Foods.
Daily practise some Yoga Exercises.
Find out a time to attend some Fitness Programs.
When setting your goals, give priority to one at a time.
Review your goals before going to sleep.
Spend some Money every week to buy a new Book to read.
Give up the habit of drinking Alcohol.
Take an Oath that I will not Smoke.
Make it a point to go sleep at a fixed time every day.
Keep regularity in your daily routines.
Always sleep in a dark room.
Never take Coffee and Tea before you sleep.
Better take one glass of pure hot milk before you sleep.
When going to sleep close your eyes and visualize some beautiful experiences.
Don't sleep in extreme cold temperature in your room.
Keep your Cell Phone in the silent mode before going to sleep.
Reduce the habit of taking outside meals.
Whenever possible carry some snacks, prepare in your home, so that you can avoid outside items.
Better avoid Fast Food Restaurants.
Before ordering meals, try to include more Vegetable items.
Better to avoid Soda and Synthetic drinks.
Always carry plenty of pure water when you go outside.
Better to avoid Creamy and Sugary Foods.
If you are thirsty, drink Water and Green Tea.
Add Spice to your foods in Moderate amount.
Avoid Ice-Creams and Extreme Cold Drinks.
Don't forget your daily Exercises.
Make a Healthy Recipe every week.
Be adamant not to eat Fried Foods.
Check your Emails on a specific time in a day.
Don't use Social Media for a full day in a week.
When participating in some discussions makes it a point, ask some genuine questions.
Listen before you answer a question.
Practise before a mirror for tomorrow’s presentation.
Carry your Visiting Cards and Business Cards wherever you go and deliver it to whom you meet.
When reading alone, do it loudly.
Use a voice recorder during your conversations.
Write some Poems or short Stories when you are alone.
Write a Journal on your random thoughts.
Read your Newspapers at your Lunch break.
Find time to visit some Art Galleries once in a month.
Take Pictures and Sceneries when you are travelling.
Make your Plans and draw a Mind map.
Program todays work early in the morning.
Start for your work 15 minutes earlier.
Don't attend unnecessary phone calls.
Make it a point to pay your Bills and other Remittances at a specific date.
Clear your Bank Debts and Loan Repayment promptly.
Reduce the habit of unwanted Online Purchasing.
Try to have Emotional Freedom always.
Skip one Meal in a day per week.
Practise fruit juice fasting once a week.
Practise water fasting once a month.
Sit in silence for 5 hours alone for one day every month.
Every Sunday go to Spiritual places like Church, Temples and Mosque.
Hope, after going through this long list you will choose a majority of techniques that will change your life. If you can add more please do the same. Let us hope for better tomorrow with a better change in our life.