There will always come a time in our lives when we feel like we have lost our will to carry on. We get burnt out in our jobs, lost spark in our relationships, or we no longer find any fun in things we do. Motivation is a serious topic and must not be taken lightly. When we are motivated, we feel like we can do anything. We are able to sacrifice many things to gain something in the long term. We say good bye to our social lives, if need be, to achieve something. But what happens when we have lost the motivation, the spark of enthusiasm? There are many ways to keep yourself motivated—from simple things to even booking for online counseling services.
This article helps you reignite the flame so you can consistently keep your motivation to do and be better every day. These are simple things to do but the important part of these is that you need to keep doing them. Consistency is the key.
Eliminating procrastination
If you wish to keep motivated, you should quit procrastinating as it is something that keeps our motivation flowing freely. This would not be easy, but this is ultimately necessary. To help you defeat procrastination, you must manage your time effectively by setting out clear goals that you wish to achieve for today. Some people find the 15-minute technique helpful. You may use your phone’s timer. You should discipline yourself to do whatever you need to do within the 15-minute timeframe. Then you may stop. This technique tricks you into thinking that you are doing more in a shorter time span. After the first try, do it again and again. You will be surprised to see how much work can be done in increments.
Changing your location
When you feel bummed out working in the same workstation for hours, you might want to consider working someplace else. After all, we need a change of environment once in a while. Going to an uncrowded coffee shop or library will give you a new space to think and do more work. Finding a place where you can work productively will help you do more. It can be somewhere nearby like a park or a restaurant. Be sure that the place does not give you distractions like noisy crowds or people passing by. Stay focused and motivated!
Eliminating distractions
Speaking of distractions, if you wish to stay motivated, you must sacrifice some things you think you could not do without. If your Internet is not helping you stay focus because you keep on checking your notifications on Facebook or Twitter, disconnect from the network. Condition yourself to only check your phone after your work is done. If working in a coffee shop and the noise is distracting you, you may use your ear plugs or listen to classical music to keep your focus. But if loud music is something that you prefer, then by all means.
Doing yoga
Yoga does wonders. Even 10 minutes of doing yoga would help you feel motivated. If you prefer running, then you can also do that. Sitting in a corner silently will let you breathe and re-energize. Yoga also does help in releasing positive hormones called endorphin's that help stimulate your mind and battle stress. Doing yoga helps us regain our center and focus while it renews our sense of motivation.
Watching motivational videos and speeches
If you are feeling burnt out at work and wish to renew your passion in an instant, why don’t you try watching inspiration YouTube videos. Fish out your mobile phone and watch videos that may help your reignite your spirit. There are also TED Talks videos available on YouTube. In no time, you will soon feel better and go back to work more passionate than ever. Never lose sight of the important things and big goals you wish to achieve.
Visualizing the outcome
There is nothing more motivating than seeing the fruit of your hard work in flesh. If you are working hard for a house, create a board in your own that has a picture of the house you wish to have. Include the furniture, room fixtures, colors, etc. It is better for the board to be placed beside your bed so you can see it the moment you wake up and just before you go to sleep. This will serve as a reminder that you hard work will not be for nothing—a reminder that, no matter the pain, hardship, and sacrifice, the fruit of your labor in the end will be sweet and, most importantly, it will be worth it.
Managing your time wisely
Keep a small notebook that you can carry wherever you go. This notebook will serve as your journal—you may keep your schedule here and the things you wish to achieve for the day. Just before you start your day, list down all things you want done no matter how small. It can be as simple as taking your clothes to the laundromat or doing groceries. It is important that you stick to your schedule so you will have time for other things. At the end of the end, tick off the things you have done so you can feel lighter and feel fulfilled that your day did not go to waste.
Rewarding yourself
Rewarding yourself for a job well done is an important part of staying motivated. It reinforces you that for anything you do, you will be rewarded. It does not have to be a big reward. It can be as simple as a nice meal from your favorite restaurant or buying a shirt that you really liked. No matter how small or big, your achievement should always be a cause of celebration.
These are just some of the simple things that you can do to keep your motivation going. Have you tried any of these suggestions? How did it work out for you? Let us know in the comments section!