Are you careening off course? Falling short of your goals?
Your brain literally contains a mind of its own!
And its programming determines exactly what you will receive in life.
Most of us walk around without the slightest clue that inside our brains is the equivalent of a heat-seeking missile. It's called a psycho-cybernetic force or a goal-seeking mechanism. And just like a missile, it is accurate, powerful, and hones its target flawlessly.
Housed deep in your subconscious, residing quietly below the radar of your awareness, this goal-seeking mechanism works similarly to a computer, although its abilities far exceed the sophistication and design of the most complex computer ever built.
In fact, computers can be quite frustrating. You may have attempted to access certain data only to find that the "fool thing" spits out anything but the results you are seeking. Of course, the problem is usually not with the computer. It's with the programmer! Or as computer geeks are prone to say, "Garbage in, garbage out."
In computer-like form this goal-seeking mechanism receives and stores data from your environment, thoughts and feelings. This data collection starts from the moment of your birth and is most sensitive to the messages received from those surrounding you in your early childhood years.
What happens to this data?
The job of this psycho-cybernetic force is to access what you've grown to believe about yourself, what goals you feel you are capable of or not, and to make sure that whatever is programmed into your subconscious is fulfilled.
If during your early years you absorbed data that told you that you were too little, too clumsy, or too dumb (garbage in), you may have accepted this information as true, and may still believe it (garbage out). As a result, the mental picture you have drawn of yourself sets up within your goal-seeking mechanism a negative goal of failure.
Whenever you attempt to set a worthy goal with your conscious mind, your subconscious mind that houses your goal-seeking mechanism will secretly believe you cannot achieve your goal and unerringly move you toward your hidden goal of failure, confirming your belief that you are in fact too little, too clumsy, or too dumb.
Help! Can I change my programming?
The good news is you can definitely change your programming! In fact, this psycho-cybernetic force is intended as a gift from God. Its main purpose is to give you LIFE, meeting your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs; helping you to solve problems, be creative, and develop your personality to the fullest.
To realize your potential, you will need to release your inner self of all inhibitions, false beliefs, and artificial limitations that have been imposed and allow your unerring goal-seeking mechanism to operate as it was truly designed to do.
How do I start?
First, you will need to increase the effectiveness of your goal-seeking mechanism by giving it success goals to seek. As you consciously take on this process you will see changes in your personality, habits, attitude, and thought patterns.
Step #1: Consciously visualize the goal or target you want to achieve.
Crystallize your thinking about what you want to achieve. Visualize it in complete detail.
Decide what kind of person you want to be, what type of relationships you want, what type of job you desire, and what type of environment you wish to live in. Believe your goal is already accomplished and see yourself enjoying its benefits.
Think only in terms of RESULTS! Do not worry about how you are going to get there. That is the function of your automatic goal-seeking mechanism. In fact, if you try and force the situation by figuring out what to do, you will interfere with its functioning.
Understand that you will have set backs. Errors merely provide opportunity for your goal-seeking mechanism to collect data to better assist you in the future. Be patient. Don't struggle; let it be in charge.
Step #2: Set aside time each day to create a mental picture.
Take at least 30 minutes each day to relax, close your eyes and visualize yourself in possession of your goal. Neither your psycho-cybernetic force nor your nervous system perceives any difference between actual events or imagined ones! Your mind accepts these pictures without regard to its present reality.
Rehearse in your mind solutions to any possible obstacles. When actual events occur, you'll be prepared to access new data about how to handle the incident.
How long will it take?
It may take longer than you had hoped, but it WILL HAPPEN! Concentrate on making incremental, steady process. Don't be concerned about the time. Each success, each step will leave you more confident, more ready for the next goal, the next challenge. You are forming an entirely new database within your goal-seeking mechanism.
Remember the analogy of the heat-seeking missile? Think of its power, the flawless execution of its programming. That power already resides in you! Allow it to take you places you've only dreamed of; relish new goals, new accomplishments. Rejoice! Enjoy the ride!
About the Author
Paul J. Meyer is a New York Times best-selling author, successful entrepreneur, and a millionaire many times over. His life-long passion is helping people develop their full potential in business and leadership through tried and true methods of achieving success. Visit www.pauljmeyer.com to start your journey to lifetime success!
Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Psycho-Cybernetics-For-Winners-Who-s-In-Charge-of-Your-Brain/1002199/
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