Use The Power Of Subconscious Mind - Are You Ready To Try?

Dr. Purushothaman
January 15, 2014


Whatever an individual says or does, the origin of all his behaviour is in his mind. Thus, human mind is undoubtedly the most power tool ever created in this world. The actions in the mind are what manifests on the conscious realm.
Taking a daily activity such as TV watching, what actually happens when you want to change the channel? The thought comes to your mind first and then you pick up the remote and change it. Sometimes when you just do the action without thinking it essentially means that the thought originated subconsciously without you being aware of it.
What might have happened was perhaps a commercial for a product you don't like appeared on the screen and that subconsciously caused a resultant reaction to change the channel. Hence, you can now see what enormous impact the subconscious mind can have on our outward actions.
It can also be concluded that this is precisely why the power of the subconscious mind should be trained for proper utilization. Once an individual can do this, he can vastly improve the quality of his life in a wholesome manner, beyond the levels he had ever imagined.
If an individual can properly tap into and develop the powers of his subconscious mind, he can unearth all the potentials he has hidden within.
Most people make it a point to warn us about the dangers that lurk underneath the layers of our subconscious. Though it is good thing to be aware of the dark side to human psychology but focusing only on the negative side brings with a lot of unfortunate consequences.
Thus, one should look at this in a positive light and think about ways to develop the subconscious mind as a path towards self improvement. Though most of us think this to be extremely difficult a task, but in reality it is not so.
A few simple steps can help us guide our subconscious mind and harness the unlimited powers of it to develop out hidden potentials. The following are some of the process to do the same.
One of the simplest ways in which you could guide your subconscious is with the technique of affirmation. By affirmation, we mean the ability to constantly remind your mind about a particular positive aspect of life in order to achieve that result.
If you have a job at hand which you find boring and uninteresting, you will naturally feel a sense of deep tiredness come over you keeping you from doing the job.
This is a stress response and affirmation works best in such cases.
One way this can be achieved is through constantly reminding oneself about how many benefits can be derived from performing the task. You could also look in the mirror and affirm that you are the absolute best person for the job. In fact, you are so good at the job the end result will be a complete work of art!
One can use the technique of affirmation to stop his bad habits. If you want to stop your habit of smoking, drinking, over-eating, etc, resorting to this technique is your best bet. Studies show that affirming oneself via repeated reminders either in spoken or written form works wonders in tapping your subconscious min power and thereby changing your behaviour.
The second method used for developing the power of the subconscious mind is the Post Hypnotic Suggestion. A common method of guiding the subconscious, it usually needs an expert hypnotherapist to do it. However, an individual can also undergo hypnosis by himself with the help of various hypnosis audios that are available.
Brainwave synchronization through binaural beats is another method for developing the power of the subconscious mind. Here, an individual is made to hear two different sound waves having slightly different frequencies through each ear. These sound waves thereafter goes into the brain and synchronize the two hemispheres creating a deep meditative mental state of mind which facilitates communication between the subconscious part and the conscious part.
Such powers can be taken to greater heights by people and evidence of the same are countless in our world. Buddhist monks, for example, have developed such great control on their subconscious mind that they can exhibit abilities such as levitation and invisibility which are otherwise thought to be supernatural.
The power of one's subconscious is such that it can also influence matter on a subatomic level. Not only matter but also events in your life as is shown in countless books and movies like 'The Secret' which explains the Law of Attraction.
Therefore, this is not only a theoretical subject but a physical law which makes it possible for any individual to communicate with his subconscious in order to manifest his object of desire in reality.
Though this might seem unbelievable, but recent studies in quantum physics explain what age old religions have believed and preached thousand years ago - the fact that our lives are the product of our minds. All commonly termed supernatural or psychic powers have been explained by quantum physics.
The conclusion therefore is that the power of the subconscious mind can do wonders for you and your life. One should never underestimate it at all because apart from the usual required behavioral changes, it possesses the scope to forever change your life to something which you have only dreamt of in your most wonderful dreams.

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