Archive by category Values & Virtues In Life

Throughout the ages, everybody is insisting all the importance of maintaining Values & Virtues in our Daily Life.

High Human Values & Virtues are really essential to lead a Balanced, Peaceful & Happy Life.

One should learn to build up Values, Virtues & Good Qualities in Life.

Mindfulness & Sensual Fulfilment

Dr. Purushothaman
January 24, 2024

The Path to Better Health and Happiness Life is meant to be enjoyed. If you're feeling constantly depleted, disengaged, or unfulfilled in life, it could be a …

Present Problems of Youth & Solutions

Dr. Purushothaman
March 30, 2023

Youngsters are the future of any nation. They are the driving force behind a country's economic, social and political development. However, they face several …

Why do some people not have a sense of humour?

Dr. Purushothaman
March 13, 2022

Laughter and humor have subsisted in every society as a means of human well-being. Humor is an essential and fundamental human behavior. There is more to it …

After Covid-19, What Next? A New Beginning!

Dr. Purushothaman
November 17, 2021

“Let us realize that life is a series of challenging experiences and let us awaken to face all the problems with courage and confidence for a better …

Why are we Frustrated?

Dr. Purushothaman
March 28, 2021

All frustrations come from ‘the lack of understanding’. It may be with respect to a particular situation or a person's behavior or choices. We get …

How Aging Enhances Our Faith

Dr. Purushothaman
July 8, 2020

Studies have suggested that people tend to become more spiritual with growing age (especially after 68). Their faith in God increases when they enter the …

How The New World After COVID-19 Pandemic?

Dr. Purushothaman
July 1, 2020

Never in our life had we had experienced such a heartbreaking time like the COVID-19 disaster, which will remain in the history of mankind forever. …

Why don't some people smile

Dr. Purushothaman
June 28, 2020

Just one simple smile shows a positive emotional state and is a key sign of happiness, warmth, kindness, and gratitude. The goodness of a smile brings a …

Exploring Ourselves In Disasters

Dr. Purushothaman
June 24, 2020

The global pandemic has restricted us in many ways. We are all trying to retreat from our normal rush of life and confining ourselves to our homes, to get rid …

Simple Practices for Freedom From COVID-19 Crisis

Dr. Purushothaman
June 17, 2020

Right in the middle of a lot of confusion going around in the world in these days of COVID-19 attack, how is it possible to take care of ourselves, is a really …

How Meditation Helps to Manage Mental Crisis in COVID-19 Like Pandemics

Dr. Purushothaman
June 14, 2020

We are passing through a terrible time never experience in life when we are really feeling anxious, frightened, confused, and tense in present situations. …

Why Should You Visit A Dentist Regularly

Dr. Purushothaman
May 27, 2020

Your set of pearly whites plays a crucial role in delivering nutrition to your body. The process of digestion begins right in your mouth. Therefore the overall …

Psychological & Health Benefits of Spiritual Practices

Dr. Purushothaman
May 17, 2020

From time immemorial religion, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, and related subjects are of great concern to all people all over the world. About 80% of …

How To Reduce Daily Stress In Workaholics

Dr. Purushothaman
May 13, 2020

Working for your passion and your goals to achieve is good as long as you are not overlooking your mental and physical health. Being a workaholic makes you …

Important Things To Learn From COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
May 10, 2020

The entire humanity is passing through the most miserable and mysterious period never experienced in the history of mankind. The sudden unexpected COVID 19 …

Best Tips For Caring Our Loved One

Dr. Purushothaman
May 6, 2020

Caring for a loved one from far away can be difficult, to say the least. You want to make sure they stay healthy and happy, but it can be hard to help them …

How to be Free from COVID-19 Stress and Strain

Dr. Purushothaman
May 3, 2020

The Covid-19 Pandemic has created a lot of unforgettable and unforeseen physical, mental, and other socioeconomic problems for the whole of humanity for the …

Lessons We Should Learn From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
April 29, 2020

The present COVID-19 Pandemic should be looked upon from a different perspective- In the Philosophical Metaphysical and Universal approach. The whole miserable …

Why Should We Consult Medical Marijuana Doctor Before Using

Dr. Purushothaman
April 26, 2020

Medicinal pot is a dubious theme. It is very simple to feel overpowered by media drama and exaggeration in the consistent fight between writers, police …

How to Manage Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stress Effectively?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 22, 2020

“Let us Label it as the Pandemic Stress of this Millennium” The Coronavirus/COVID-19 word is at the tip of the tongue of everybody all the time all over …

How To Self-Protect From Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
April 19, 2020

Our World is passing through a tough time, when each and everybody is under the threat of the Covid – 19 attack, which is spreading in the community in a big …

How to Approach Covid-19 in A Novel Way?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 5, 2020

  In this millennium the entire humanity, irrespective of age, sex, creed, custom, religion, socioeconomic status and country, are experiencing the most …

Why should you Meditate?

Dr. Purushothaman
March 22, 2020

The benefits of a meditation practice are no secret. A lot of studies have highlighted the positive impact that meditation has on our overall health and …

Kundalini Yoga - A Course In Self Mastery

Dr. Purushothaman
February 2, 2020

My birth name is Jean-Marc and I was born and raised in the South of France. Although I grew accustomed to the sound of my name, its uniqueness have always …

10 Novel Ideas to Change Your Life in 2020

Dr. Purushothaman
December 31, 2019

From the beginning of time, people all over the world, irrespective of religious & spiritual practices, socioeconomic status, cultural systems and regional …